Organizations desiring to become members have to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Being socially-oriented organizations with no profit motive in mind
  • Developing actions for the inclusion of groups under risk of social exclusion
  • Having the experience and background to offer professional quality services. A minimum of two years of activity has to be proven (counting from the inscription on the corresponding registry of organizations)
  • Being independent and self-sufficient in their own management. (The Board of Directors will evaluate whether the new member fulfills this requirement or has become an instrument to defend private interests by its connections with commercial firms, political parties or religions)
  • Proving a similar purpose: it will be specially observed, according to the Charter and reports of their activity, any correspondence and similarities in the purpose of the applying organization and that of ECAS.
  • Provide a reference: applications have to be endorsed by at least two specific members, and issued by the government agency of ECAS affiliated members.
  • Being accepted by the Board of Directors, and confirmed by the Assembly, as well as fulfilling the duties specified in the Charter.