The belonging and participation of ECAS in the following organizations responds to our desire to add efforts, generate synergies and build a third strong and representative social sector that reflects the diversity that conforms it and plays its role in a collaborative and transformer spirit.
The Table of the Third Sector is a third level of organization made up of 27 federations and associations that together account for about 3,000 non-profit social organizations: associations, cooperatives, foundations, corporations and insert special work centers.
The Table is dedicated mainly to the political impact and the interlocution with the institutions, as well as the promotion of the continuous improvement of the entities of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia, the recognition of its performance, and the strengthening of the discourse, the capacities and the social impact of the sector as a whole.
ECAS occupies one of the vicepresidencies, in charge of Sonia Fuertes. It also has representatives to the working groups of evolution towards a more community model, of housing and energy poverty, and of socio-occupational insertion.
The Business Confederation of the Third Social Sector is the business association that represents non-profit organizations that provide care services to people in Catalonia. As a whole, it gathers around 1,200 entities that, from a non-commercial express will, offer services in different areas of activity such as educational and sociocultural leisure, home care, public nursery schools, intervention social with children, young people, families and other groups at risk of social exclusion, physical disability, intellectual disabilities, elderly people or early care, among others.
Its functions include representation and dialogue with public administrations and social agents, the promotion of collective bargaining and its own framework for labor relations, participation in the elaboration of social policies, the creation of spaces of reflection on the development and sustainability of the third sector and the continuous training of professionals, among others.
ECAS participates in the Sectoral Commission for Social Action and in the working group Public-social collaboration model.
The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is an independent network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and groups involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the Member States of the European Union. It was created in 1990 by several organizations in the European Union working with people living in a situation of poverty and exclusion, and has ended up having consultative status with the Council of Europe. EAPN is a founding member of the Platform of European Social NGOs.
EAPN allows for people suffering from poverty and social exclusion to exercise their rights and duties, as well as put an end to their exclusion and situation. Moreover, its main purpose it to raise both questions to the Political Discussion Center of the European Union.
ECAS participates in this network as a member of the Taula d’entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya.
ESAN brings together more than 50,000 people from entities, groups and federations of 18 European countries, who share the same values of work of social action, with people with disabilities, in situation of unemployment, homelessness, migrants, young people at risk of exclusion, etc. Its objective is to foster the exchange of experiences and create a network among organizations to strengthen social justice at European level.
Participate in the debates of the European Social Platform, the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). In addition, it has participatory status in the Council of Europe as a member of the Conference of international NGOs.
ECAS has been partly since 2013 and holds one of the Vice Presidencies since 2015. It is represented by the board of directors by Oriol Esculies from the Projecte Home.
The Council of Associations in Barcelona intends to improve the reality of the associating movement and its recognition, making for the territorial and sectorial coordination of dialogue with public administrations, from the meeting of federations, coordinators and other second level networks developing their activities totally of partially in the city of Barcelona.
The CAB intends to become a group contributing to the improvement of the reality of associations, both in quality and quantity, as well as acting as an agent before the Administration regarding policies that promote participation and associationism.
ECAS also participates in the following networks:
- Acord ciutadà per a una Barcelona Inclusiva
- Àmbit participat d’Economia Social i Solidària de Barcelona (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Consell Assessor de Contractació Público-Privat (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Consell Assessor pel Suport Municipal d’Inclusió (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Consell de Ciutat (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Consell de l’Associacionisme i el Voluntariat de Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Consell de la Diplomàcia Pública de Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Consell General de Serveis Socials (Generalitat de Catalunya): taula funcional
- Consell Municipal de Benestar Social (Ajuntament de Barcelona): vicepresidència, comissió permanent i plenari
- Consells Territorials d’Habitatge (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Estratègia Integral per a l’Abordatge del Sensellarisme a Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Estratègia per a l’Ocupació de Barcelona (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Pla d’Actuació per a l’Ocupació (Barcelona Activa i Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Plataforma d’Infància de Catalunya (PINCAT)
- Plataforma Pobresa Zero – Justícia Global: plenari i comissió de comunicació
- Plenari d’Entitats Federatives de l’Àmbit dels Serveis Socials de la Direcció General de Protecció Social (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Taula de Ciutadania i Immigració (Generalitat de Catalunya)
- Taula institucional d’adolescents i joves migrants sols (generalitat de Catalunya)
- Taula Municipal contra la Feminització de la Pobresa (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
- Xarxa BCN Antirumors
- Xarxa d’atenció integral per a persones sense llar de Tarragona